
Schools at the Turkey Trot


School Division

The Up & At ‘Em Turkey Trot encourages participation by our schools. This year all Turkey Trot participants may select a school to run/walk on their behalf. During registration, go to the schools drop down menu and select your school. If it is not listed, add your school in the “other” box.

SMALL School Division

(Student enrollment 799 and below)

Winning schools will be based on the highest number of participants registering for that school.

First Prize:     $1,000 plus Wallabies party for participating students
Second Prize: $   500
Third Prize:     $   250

LARGE School Division

(Student enrollment 800 and more)

Winning schools will be based on the highest number of participants registering for that school.

First Prize:     $1,000
Second Prize: $   500
Third Prize:     $   250

For more information contact: info@thegoosechase.org
